function (x, y = NULL, w = NULL, df, spar = NULL, cv = FALSE, all.knots = FALSE, nknots = NULL, = TRUE, df.offset = 0, penalty = 1, control.spar = list(), tol = 1e-06 * IQR(x)) { contr.sp <- list(low = -1.5, high = 1.5, tol = 1e-04, eps = 2e-08, maxit = 500, trace = getOption("verbose")) contr.sp[names(control.spar)] <- control.spar if (!all(sapply(contr.sp[1:4], is.numeric)) || contr.sp$tol < 0 || contr.sp$eps <= 0 || contr.sp$maxit <= 0) stop("invalid 'control.spar'") xy <- xy.coords(x, y) y <- xy$y x <- xy$x if (!all(is.finite(c(x, y)))) stop("missing or infinite values in inputs are not allowed") n <- length(x) w <- if (is.null(w)) rep(1, n) else { if (n != length(w)) stop("lengths of 'x' and 'w' must match") if (any(w < 0)) stop("all weights should be non-negative") if (all(w == 0)) stop("some weights should be positive") (w * sum(w > 0))/sum(w) } if (!is.finite(tol) || tol <= 0) stop("'tol' must be strictly positive and finite") xx <- round((x - mean(x))/tol) nd <- !duplicated(xx) ux <- sort(x[nd]) uxx <- sort(xx[nd]) nx <- length(ux) if (nx <= 3L) stop("need at least four unique 'x' values") if (nx == n) { ox <- TRUE tmp <- cbind(w, w * y, w * y^2)[order(x), ] } else { ox <- match(xx, uxx) tapply1 <- function(X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE) { sapply(X = unname(split(X, INDEX)), FUN = FUN, ..., simplify = simplify, USE.NAMES = FALSE) } tmp <- matrix(unlist(tapply1(seq_len(n), ox, function(i, y, w) c(sum(w[i]), sum(w[i] * y[i]), sum(w[i] * y[i]^2)), y = y, w = w), use.names = FALSE), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) } wbar <- tmp[, 1L] ybar <- tmp[, 2L]/ifelse(wbar > 0, wbar, 1) yssw <- sum(tmp[, 3L] - wbar * ybar^2) if ( && !missing(df)) stop("'cv' must not be NA when 'df' is specified") CV <- ! && cv if (CV && nx < n) warning("crossvalidation with non-unique 'x' values seems doubtful") r.ux <- ux[nx] - ux[1L] xbar <- (ux - ux[1L])/r.ux if (all.knots) { if (!is.null(nknots)) warning("'all.knots' is TRUE; 'nknots' specification is disregarded") nknots <- nx } else { if (is.null(nknots)) nknots <- n.knots(nx) else if (!is.numeric(nknots)) stop("'nknots' must be numeric (in {1,..,n})") else if (nknots < 1) stop("'nknots' must be at least 1") else if (nknots > nx) stop("cannot use more inner knots than unique 'x' values") } knot <- c(rep(xbar[1], 3), if (all.knots) xbar else xbar[, nx, length.out = nknots)], rep(xbar[nx], 3)) nk <- nknots + 2L ispar <- if (is.null(spar) || missing(spar)) { if (contr.sp$trace) -1L else 0L } else 1L spar <- if (ispar == 1L) as.double(spar) else double(1) icrit <- if ( 0L else if (cv) 2L else 1L dofoff <- df.offset if (!missing(df)) { if (df > 1 && df <= nx) { if (!missing(cv)) warning("specified both 'df' and 'cv'; will disregard the latter") icrit <- 3L dofoff <- df } else warning("you must supply 1 < df <= n, n = #{unique x} = ", nx) } iparms <- as.integer(c(icrit, ispar, contr.sp$maxit)) names(iparms) <- c("icrit", "ispar", "iter") keep.stuff <- FALSE ans.names <- c("coef", "ty", "lev", "spar", "parms", "crit", "iparms", "ier", if (keep.stuff) "scratch") fit <- .Fortran(C_qsbart, as.double(penalty), as.double(dofoff), x = as.double(xbar), y = as.double(ybar), w = as.double(wbar), ssw = as.double(yssw), as.integer(nx), as.double(knot), as.integer(nk), coef = double(nk), ty = double(nx), lev = double(if ( 1L else nx), crit = double(1), iparms = iparms, spar = spar, parms = unlist(contr.sp[1:4]), isetup = as.integer(0), scratch = double(17L * nk + 1L), ld4 = 4L, ldnk = 1L, ier = integer(1), DUP = FALSE)[ans.names] wbar <- tmp[, 1] if ( lev <- df <- NA else { lev <- fit$lev df <- sum(lev) if ( stop("NA lev[]; probably smoothing parameter 'spar' way too large!") } if (fit$ier > 0L) { sml <- fit$spar < 0.5 wtxt <- paste("smoothing parameter value too", if (sml) "small" else "large") if (sml) { stop(wtxt) } else { fit$ty <- rep(mean(y), nx) df <- 1 warning(wtxt, "\nsetting df = 1 __use with care!__") } } cv.crit <- if ( NA else if (cv) { ww <- wbar ww[!(ww > 0)] <- 1 weighted.mean(((y - fit$ty[ox])/(1 - (lev[ox] * w)/ww[ox]))^2, w) } else weighted.mean((y - fit$ty[ox])^2, w)/(1 - (df.offset + penalty * df)/n)^2 pen.crit <- sum(wbar * (ybar - fit$ty)^2) fit.object <- list(knot = knot, nk = nk, min = ux[1L], range = r.ux, coef = fit$coef) class(fit.object) <- "" object <- list(x = ux, y = fit$ty, w = wbar, yin = ybar, data = if ( list(x = x, y = y, w = w), lev = lev, cv.crit = cv.crit, pen.crit = pen.crit, crit = fit$crit, df = df, spar = fit$spar, lambda = unname(fit$parms["low"]), iparms = fit$iparms, fit = fit.object, call = class(object) <- "smooth.spline" object }